Hey guys, I wanted to give you an update on this energy bar journey since this product launched. When I decided to go live with pre-orders, I was totally overwhelmed by the number of first-time sales I received. It was a huge blessing and I am so thankful for you all supporting me and my business. I learned a tremendous amount of knowledge about releasing a product and I am so thankful for the feedback you all gave me during this time.
If you have ever released a product to the world, you would know that it can be an extremely stressful experience. In my case, I was very stressed to be in a position to put all of my hard work out there for people to critique and judge for themselves whether it was good or bad.
Once it was released and everyone got it in their hands, I had almost no energy physically or emotionally to do much other than to wait and see what you all thought! For the most part, people really enjoyed the product and loved the packaging however there were some reappearing issues that were discovered by a handful of customers. The main issue found was the choice of an ingredient I chose to use for the bars which was sunflower butter.
I chose sunflower butter because I wanted most of the bars offered to be nut-free and I still stand by that decision. The mistake on my part however was that I decided to go with a different brand of sunflower seeds that were untested instead of my usual supplier. There were sunflower seed shortages at the time with my usual supplier and in order for me to make my release window, I chose to use this other brand to finish the bars. The result of this mistake came with an issue where 3 of the bars had a strong sunflower seed smell which overpowered the bars in smell and taste.
I am sorry to the customers who had experienced this and it became a lesson I had to learn about testing a product thoroughly including each ingredient before sending it out.
The good news is that I discarded and replaced the previous sunflower seeds and the bars no longer have that overpowering smell.
This just goes to show that with any business, product, or service, it will take work to develop a better version of anything you are selling. Your first attempt may be good or alright but it will never be flawless like you hoped it would be. One interesting thing I learned was that releasing a variety pack of products is difficult because most people won’t like every flavor included! Everyone had their own favorites and less favorable bars.
I am thankful for everyone’s help along this journey because, without your feedback, it wouldn’t be possible to keep improving as it should.
I will plan to keep growing the business step by step each day however, it will take me time. I am in the process right now of applying for farmer’s markets to get my product sold in while also building for myself a social media content road map to start consistent and engaging posts while drawing customers to the online platform. These are my two focuses right now while also fulfilling current orders. I look forward to sharing more with you all very soon!
Congratulations to you on your business! Your ingenuity, entrepreneurship, and creativity are commendable.
(PS, you look so much like your Dad!)